Palm Springs sunshine never gets old, and neither does my passion for helping people find their dream haven. After 25 years building a successful real estate team and career here, I'm taking my matchmaking skills on the road – or rather, the airplane! As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, I've always strived to create welcoming spaces for people of all walks of life, and now I'm crafting unforgettable travel experiences for amazing travelers. I’ve been fortunate to have traveled extensively throughout my life, have lived all over the Pacific Coast and Pacific Northwest, as well as Italy too. I’m a spontaneous traveler and love to take off at the last minute- so if you ever have a cancellation and looking for a travel buddy, hit me up! I live with my partner, 2 rescue dogs and a feral cat, and they usually travel with us too when possible.

For business or media related inquiries, contact me by email.
